Crematorium Details 

Granite Memorial Colour / Inscription Colour 

Memorial Artwork 

Please Note: Images uploaded to this form must be no larger than 10MB in size. If you need to send larger files or more images, please use a file transfer platform such as WeTransfer. You can use WeTransfer for free to send files up to 1GB in size. No need to sign up, just select the ‘I just want to send files’ option under the 2 boxes. Please send to the email address 

Cameo / Photo Plaque 

Please Note: Images uploaded to this form must be no larger than 10MB in size. If you need to send larger files or more images, please use a file transfer platform such as WeTransfer. You can use WeTransfer for free to send files up to 1GB in size. No need to sign up, just select the ‘I just want to send files’ option under the 2 boxes. Please send to the email address 

Guide box for Book Of Memories 

There is a limit of only 26 characters per line. DO NOT FORGET THAT SPACES COUNT AS A CHARACTER OR NUMBER.  
The inscription MUST be clearly written in block capitals. Proofs will be provided before the memorial is started. 
Please Note: We will centre the text on the plaque; this guide box is only to aid your choice of inscription. Proofs will be provided before the memorial is started.